Registered User Experience

When merchant collect the data regarding user purchases it is possible provide even more personalied recomenndations.
Category-Based Lists

Create personalized lists for different categories (e.g., White, Red, Sparkling) based on the user's preferences.

Discover Weekly

A dynamic, weekly-updated list of wine recommendations based on the user's purchase history and viewed items.

Special Wines from Specific Regions

Offer recommendations from regions the user has shown interest in or has yet to explore.

Wine to Keep

Suggest wines that are good for aging or collecting, based on the user's interest in fine wines or previous high-value purchases.

Personalized Email Campaigns

Send out regular, personalized emails with content tailored to the user’s preferences. This could include new arrivals, special offers, or articles about wine culture relevant to their interests.

Taste Profile Quiz

Introduce a quiz for new users to capture their taste preferences. Use these insights to tailor initial recommendations before purchase history is available.Preference Tuning Option: Allow users to fine-tune their preferences in their profile settings (e.g., dry vs. sweet, preferred regions, price range).

Occasional Recommendations

Suggest wines based on private holidays, or special occasions, considering the user's historical preferences and for example birthday dates.

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